Advanced prosthodontic care at Knoxville Prosthodontics in Knoxville, TN, including services like dental implants, smile makeovers, and personalized treatments in a welcoming and modern office environment.

Knoxville, TN new patient documents

In order to improve your first visit at our office, please fill out and bring with you the attached new patient documents. We can also provide paper copies of these documents by mail if desired. If you have recently had radiographs at another office, please bring them with you or provide us with the office information so we can make arrangements to have them at the time of your appointment.


We look forward to seeing you Dental Insurance

If you have dental insurance, please complete the employee portion of the registration form and bring your insurance card with you as well. Please note: we are not in-network with any dental insurance companies, although we are happy to file insurance claims for you as a courtesy. Please remember that you are responsible for payment for the first visit at the time of the appointment. Any insurance reimbursement for this visit will be distributed to you at the time of payment of the claim.

We look forward to meeting you in person and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!

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